Creative Direction
Content Design
Content Production
Health budgeting is complex to understand and tricky to relate to. We used animations and storytelling to add a message that brought the ideas into the real world.
Budget advocacy is the way in which civil society organisations and communities get involved in how government resources are allocated and spent, and how these allocations address the needs of different population groups such as key populations, women and girls, people with disability and other vulnerable and marginalised groups in society.
Working with Arasa we created a video that could quickly and easily make these concepts understandable to a wide audience. Using easy to digest visuals and graphics to link concepts we brought all the ideas around Health Budget Advocacy under one umbrella and provided contextual understanding to the problem as a whole.

Watch a trailer for
Ending HIV as a public health threat by 2030: Moving Beyond 2020 towards the 2030 targets
We also completed a second video for ARASA,
“In 2015, governments made an ambitious commitment under the Sustainable Development Goals to end the AIDS pandemic. While remarkable progress has been made towards achieving these goals, we are still off-track to meeting this target. New infections remain high, while stigma, discrimination, and violence threaten the progress that has been made. As activists, we need to step up or efforts to hold our governments accountable for the commitments they made. To do this we must listen to the voices of those most affected by the pandemic.”
The final video needed to be quite long in order to cover all the information and to be ensure that it would have some longevity and match the Arasa project. So in order to share and highlight the information we also created a short trailer that put the content in a nutshell and motivate viewers to engage with the longer form video.
See the full video here →
Creative Direction
Content Design
Content Production