The Work
Inspired by the stories we remember, we help organisations drive their clients to meaningful ACTION.

The Process
Results matter but the journey is the reward. Working with a tried and tested process means you will know where you have come from, where you are going and most importantly why.
4. Production
Produce the content. A whole process of its own that includes collaboration in writing, scripting, design, animation, filmmaking, recording, editing, polishing and publishing. After this we make sure to…
2. Research
Research to understand the problem, talk to the stakeholders, find the position, explore different perspective all so we can…
6. Iteration
Iterate, we know what we were trying to do and we look the results to see if it’s working, we get more feedback, look at metrics and measures and if we need to, go back to…
1. Scoping
Scope the work by looking at problem statements, scoping, milestones, outcomes and contracts, all things to do before we can start the process of..
5. Documentation
Document the process, the decisions, the reasons, the truth and make sure it’s understandable and useful. So that when it’s time to…
3. Design
Design possible solutions, using user design techniques and methodologies, evaluate them and decide on a path to..